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Support the Charleston Audubon

Financial support and gifts in kind are always appreciated - and sometimes needed. But we always need the involvement of people who care - care about birds, about the environment, and about public education. If you want to help, please consider volunteering. Contact a board member by phone, by email, or in person at one of our functions and tell us you'd like to help.

Charleston Audubon logoThe Charleston Audubon Society - a SC chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1970, founded as the Charleston Natural History Society in 1905, and serving Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties - is a nonprofit environmental organization that actively promotes awareness, appreciation and conservation of the natural environment through educational programs, field trips, conservation projects, sponsored research and social activities.

Financial Support

Donations of cash support are gladly accepted. You tax deductible donation may be sent to us by U.S. mail to:
Charleston Natural History Society
P.O. Box 504
Charleston, SC 29402
Checks or money orders should be made out to "Charleston Natural History Society." If you're interested in making a major donation, please contact a member of the board to discuss it.

Audubon magazine coverGift Memberships
A portion of member dues in the National Audubon Society comes back to the local chapter. Giving gift memberships, which include a year of membership and a year's subscription to Audubon magazine and our newsletter, The Lesser Squawk, is an excellent way to promote our mission and support our chapter. You can download an Audubon Membership Form with a Gift Option from our membership page.